Brand Safety and The Creator Economy

Brand Safety and The Creator Economy


In 2016, LaToya Shambo launched BLACK GIRL DIGITAL, INC. a premium integrated influencer marketing agency. The agency ensures Black and Brown creators receive fair and equitable brand partnerships. BLACK GIRL DIGITAL has brokered brand deals for more than 300 Black and brown influencers; and millions of social media impressions and video views for companies, including Disney, Walmart, Staples, Brooklinen, and Viacom. In 2022, Adweek honored BLACK GIRL DIGITAL with the Breakthrough Agency or Brand Award. Shambo is a proud Fashion Institute & Technology grad, and she lives in Georgia with her pre-teen daughter.

Brand safety has become an increasingly important concern in the creator economy. With the rise of influencer marketing, brands are partnering with individuals and communities who create content and reach millions of people. However, as these creators often have a more personal and relatable approach to their audience, they may also engage in behavior that could negatively impact the brand’s reputation.

Brand safety and the creator economy

Brands must ensure that their content is displayed in appropriate and safe environments, particularly in the age of social media where user-generated content can spread quickly and cause significant harm. The use of inappropriate language, the promotion of illegal or harmful activities, or the association with negative content can all have a negative impact on a brand’s image and reputation.

To mitigate these risks, brands must implement strict brand safety protocols to protect their image and reputation. This includes using tools to monitor and analyze the content produced by their influencer partners, as well as reviewing their social media activity, and taking action to address any issues that arise. Brands can also take steps to educate their influencer partners on their brand values and guidelines and emphasize the importance of brand safety in their partnerships.

Moreover, brands should also be vigilant about the platforms they use to advertise and engage with their audience. Some platforms have higher brand safety standards than others, and some may be better suited to a brand’s specific needs. Brands must conduct a thorough evaluation of the platforms they use and assess the level of risk associated with each one.

In conclusion, brand safety is critical in the creator economy, where brands are partnering with influencers and communities to reach a large audience. By implementing strong brand safety protocols, monitoring their partners’ content, and carefully selecting the platforms they use, brands can protect their image and reputation, and continue to thrive in the rapidly evolving creator economy.

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